Need a little history one of the most wild comic book characters out there? Well be sure to tune in and slam a beer to learn all there is to know about the glorious Deadpool! He had one wild origin story and it only continues to get more weird. As expected though right? Let us know what you think in the comments and please send some suggestions for upcoming episodes! We're always looking to see what our fans want to hear. Cheers!
It took us a weee bit to get to our first Star Wars character but we finally got to it! In this episode we have the first appearance of co-host Seamus McGilliguffy as he helps TazAlGhul tell the drunk history of none only than the weird Jar Jar Binks. His story is one that is unlike any other. Give it a listen. Cheers. Did you give episode #1-4 a listen? Well here's a little sprinkle of Merlyn who has made his way through pop-culture and folklore for many many years in both Marvel and Non-Marvel storylines. Take a dive into the Drunk history of Comic Book Merlyn and enjoy! The hype was real for this character and all them nutty swifties out there. We had to take a dive into the Dazzler because it's one of Just Abby's Favs! See how she came to be a star and see how her time with the X-men when in the Drunk History of Comic Book Characters episode #4! Cheers Check out one of our most popular episodes! The Drunk history of the Last Ronin AKA Michelangelo!!! This is a history that got quite deep after the death of his TMNT brothers and leads you on to the future Ninja Turtles. Give it a listed ... I can almost guarantee that if you're a comic book lover you'll want to dabble in some Last Ronin if you haven't already. Cheers. Did you give episode #1 a listen? Well dive into our second ever episode with TazAlGhul and Just Abby as they tell you the Drunk History of Indie comic book character The Badger! This glorious character was brought to you by Mike Barron and was for sure a fun unfamiliar character with an interesting story. Let us know what you think and be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube! If you do we'll send you out a FREE Sticker pack if you're located in the US. Cheers! So clearly I've been slacking a wee bit on blog posts for literally about 4 years now ... For anyone who actually reads this (probably only 1 or 2 of you now that I've taken a 4 year hiatus) I shall be posting each episode of Comics & Brews to the blog! Since this is the first one I'm posting I'll drop just a little tid bit about what Comics & Brews is. Every other week Myself and a glorious co-host dives into the drunk history of a comic book character - sometimes we dabble in the world of Pokemon and maybe one day some sailor moony type things as well. Long story short we crush many brew and do our best at an attempt of telling the history of these characters after burying said brews. Hope you enjoy! Episode 1 was most def one of my favorites. Luckily episode 11 and 12 have got some video footage for you as well. CHEERS! After finally finding a way to input all of my collection online and track their value I figured I’d give a weekly update on the currently trending comics within the collection as well as what is trending up for the week! Still so stoked that I stumbled apron Once I found it I immediately had to pay for a membership. For anyone with a large collection that loves watching the current values of their collection CovrPrice is a must. They’ll keep track of your key comics, hot comics and rare finds! Give this weeks Top Valued and Top Trending a gander below! Let me know what your favorites within this list are in the comments! Much love comic fam.
The 3rd edition of the TazAlGhul Collector Spotlight has finally arrived! Huge thanks to Jonathan @Comic_Drop for taking the time to give a little background on his collection and what he loves. As I always say one of my main reasons for firing up this blog is to bring the collectors, designers and artists closer together and tell some of their incredible stories. I'm extremely stoked to get a spotlight from someone out of the US to see how thing roll internationally. I was lucky enough to meet Jonathan a few months back through IG and had the pleasure of creating his logo. I'll make sure to share some of the variations / process of what we came up with below. Everyone has a different story to tell and I want to hear them all! Now let's get on with it ... Collector Spotlight #3 here we go! When Did You Start Collecting?Ive been collecting comics on and off since i was like 12/13 What Inspired You to Start Collecting?The Spider-Man and x-men cartoons What's Your Favorite Collectible Item?My signed books What's Your Favorite Shopping Spot?Orbital comics used to be my jam but they have recently changed how they do new books so I’m currently in LCS limbo Marvel, DC or Something Else?Marvel mostly but i dip into everything. What's your favorite part of collecting?Visiting the comic shops around the world! Where are you from, and where has collecting taken you? (Events, Cons, Special Travel Spots)I’m from Ireland (Antrim in n.ireland) i live in London. I’m not a big con person only been to a handful mostly in London at mcm. I did do Americans holiday where I traveled from New York to Miami and i visited a load of comic shops it was incredible. Favorite Comic Book You've Ever Read?Invincible is my favourite but I haven’t went back and finished it... Name one collectible piece you don't have that you want to get your hands on one day?Name one collectible piece you don't have that you want to get your hands on one day? When Did you start dropping comics all around town?2008 Here's a little sprinkle of an example of what his superb drops look like. Literally genius ... and quite generous! Be sure to check out his drop map link at the end of this post! How many comic drops would you say you've left for everyone?Oh dam quite a lot... maybe around 200 single issues at this point Overwhelmingly positive don’t get me wrong sometimes books get dropped and I don’t hear anything about them. But when someone takes the time to write me its always so wonderful to read . My dude ... I must say what you do is totally awesome and unlike anything I've seen before. Something like this is such a positive boost to the comic community and probably even gets people into comics who never once thought of even reading a comic book. To everyone who enjoyed this little tid-bit be sure to give him a follow @comic_blog - Not only does he do superb things like leave comic books for free out in the world but he also dabbles in some legendary t-shirt art. My fav is hands down his sick batman piece. Check it out VVV If you're interested in these beauties be sure to give him a holler on IG. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled if you're in the London area! There could be comics right under your nose and you didn't even know it. Click the button below to go to his Drop map so you can join the ComicDrop Hunt! Huge thanks to @Comic_Drop again for taking the time to do this! If anyone reading this wants to be the 4th Collector Spotlight be sure to shoot me an email @ [email protected]
For all the comic fam out there be sure to check out all of the comic collection in the shop below! Todays jam is a smooth funky sound that is 100% gunna get that body moving even if you are sitting at your home office desk grinding the remote work day. Give it a listen. Give it a Jam. Amen. Jams of the day are back!Yes ... it's been a wicked long time since jam of the day has risen but with all that is going on we could use some musical suggestions on the regular. So ... without further ado ... the first jam in a while and it's a THROWBACK. Go back to the 90's with a Hot Hot Heat Classic and give it a Jam. Enjoy! The Boys - Amazon Prime ReviewAlright let’s talk The Boys (Amazon Prime) and maybe some Brightburn! Beware - there will definitely be spoilers! You’ve been warned Before I get into it I just want to say I have not read any of the comics, but I may now. This show was awesome and just keeps pushing the envelope as it goes. I am assuming based on the cliff hanger ending Amazon is splitting the season up like it did with The Tick? If so we should get the other half early next year? The Boys had me within the first 10 minutes with the speedster eviscerating Hughie’s girlfriend! This series does a great job at showing what would happen in the real world if superheroes existed. It takes a look at how superheroes could act and collateral damage. I still can’t believe what happen to that dolphin. All of the Aquaman/Deep jokes were hysterical. Compound V was a nice twist and the reasoning superheroes exist. Is it possible that not all of the heroes are a result of science though? I really like this spin on the superhero genre and excited to see more. If you enjoyed this show and haven’t already, check out Brightburn. Brightburn brings us “What If Superman Was Bad.” Really surprised that movie was made without DC repercussions. Based on the post credits hopefully a sequel is in the works. Would definitely like to see more of that universe! Sadly I have no thoughts as of yet because ... well I haven't seen either yet! So if you think I'm an absolute Dangus for not watching either please let me know by commenting below or on our blog IG Page One thing I do know is there is a comic book series on this show so be sure to check that out as well! Thanks again to my man Jonathan for writing these reviews. Be sure to give him a follow @Nerdherder88 More to come now that the TazAlGhul office is back in full swing! Stay tuned for the next Movie Monday or Show Sunday! Blog Post by @Nerdherder88
This week is our 2nd ever TazAlGhul Movie Monday! Huge thanks again fellow collector Jonathan Boyd aka @nerdherder88for whipping up these reviews. This week's movie Monday is of "Avengers Endgame" so further warning DON'T READ THIS BLOG POST JUST YET IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE - SPOILER ALERTS COMING IN HOT! Now. On to the Review. You've been warned. So yeah Endgame happened. Definitely an enjoyable movie with a lot of fan service, but did it live up to the hype? Did it finalize an era of epic proportions? Was it the best MCU movie of all time? In my opinion - no. Before digging into the negative, let’s take a look at the positive. It was an enjoyable movie with great fan service and call backs. Cap whispering “Hail Hydra” in an ear while on an elevator with the same people from Cap 2. Cap wielding both Thor hammers and using them in conjunction with his shield. Let’s not forget at the end getting to see old man Rogers. Endgame hits you in the emotions right at the beginning by killing off Clint’s family, but then turns him into a badass ninja. That epic Easter egg of Harley at Stark’s funeral. Hopefully now people will respect Iron Man 3 a little more (still the best of the Iron Man series ). For the most part any comic fan knows going into this movie that everything will end with everything back to normal and that is somewhat the case. Now I’m going to dip into some negative. A rat pretty much saved everyone. If not for that rat Scott would still be in the quantum realm. Yeah you could say Tony was working on time travel already too, but was he really? Time travel is a double edge sword. On 1 hand it’s cool and can open doors for all kinds of cool things to happen, but at the same time it’s a cop out. Now any time something bad happens and creators paint themselves into a corner they can just go back in time. Not only is it an easy way out, but it creates a lot of questions and plot holes (Where is Vision?!?!?!). What really doesn’t help is when creators try to go and explain it after to fans and contradict themselves in the process - just don’t explain it. Also now Hulk has permanent damage? Hello he heals and what hurts him makes him stronger. I also didn’t like pausing the movie and forcing that feminism moment in the middle of a fight. It was forced and really on the nose. Once again the MCU has killed off a good villain and a major character. Don’t worry I know as a comic reader nobody stays dead (plus we never saw Stark’s body go in the ground). I get these actors want to move on to other things, but don’t kill them off. I mean why couldn’t you just let Tony have a win. Let the character take a break and if RDJ doesn’t want to come back later, recast the character. Think of it as an artist change on a comic book. Of course the idea of Harley taking the Iron Man mantle does have me intrigued. Dipping back into some positive. I loved how the Hulk was done in this and want more smart hulk. Fat Thor was hilarious and well done. It was nice to see Thor get his hammer back too and him getting to talk to his mom again. The scenes with Tony and his dad were great. Steve getting to go back and get his dance with Peggy. The Avengers 1 scenes and now Loki is alive? With the conclusion of this movie we have 5 dead characters - Thanos, Vision, Black Widow, Gamora (not same Gamora is back), and Iron Man (I <3 you3000). This movie seems to have raised more questions bs solved/answered them, but maybe that was the plan as we move into phase 4. Review by @nerdherder88 My ThoughtsWelp. Once again he nailed so many points on the head that I completely forgot about. So many unreal Easter eggs and so many more questions as to how the MCU will go on after this. Obviously loved seeing Cap be worthy of the Hammer before he goes back to his lady to live out his life. Thor overall was absolutely legendary in Endgame. Can't wait for him to be in some Guardians of the Galaxy! Not seeing Tony's body go into the ground makes me wonder if we will get to see a nice Hologram version of Tony in the future. Doubtful with RDJ saying see yuh and calling it quits but could be sweet to see that version of iron man like in some of the past Secret Empire comics. One thing that totally didn't even click with me was that WOW that was NOT the same Gamora who is back with the squad. Totally put my brain in a pretzel there. I think overall having all of the questions up in the air makes me even more excited and especially with the announcement of all the future Movies and TV Series that will be coming out on Disney+ (thanks Disney for taking even more of my money). I think having more lengthy explanations in the TV shows will bring better character development and answer a lot of the questions we want answered. If you haven't seen the lineup of what's to come then check out the image below. JUST WOW. All in all I think they did a pretty solid job closing out some chapters that we all knew were coming to an end.
All in all ... I'll give it the following rating Welcome to the first ever TazAlGhul Movie Monday! Huge thanks to fellow collector Jonathan Boyd aka @nerdherder88 (give him a follow) for whipping up some unreal reviews that got me thinking and totally remembering things that I completely forgot about already. This week's movie Monday is of "Spider-Man Far From Home" so further warning DON'T READ THIS BLOG POST JUST YET IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE - SPOILER ALERTS COMING IN HOT! Without further ado ... here's the first ever Movie Monday Review. Enjoy ... ’m just going to jump right into and I don’t really like starting off negatively, but 10-15 minute in I wasn’t feeling it. Right out of the gate the whole Michelle/Peter relationship was super forced. Was there a Spider-Man 1.5 shown somewhere and I missed the part where all of a sudden everyone wants to be with Michelle? Nobody was interested in her in Homecoming and she was just comic relief. Also I don’t recall her even being called Michelle in this one. Sorry but she’s not Mary Jane, so why the need to even call her MJ at all? Also that whole taking her swinging through the city was unnecessary and made no sense which leads to another complaint. Next problem I had was the amount of times and time spent by Peter unmasked. When the post credits identity reveal happened it was like who doesn’t know at this point. If he wouldn’t have instantly ripped that mask off as soon as he entered the room with Beck and SHIELD he wouldn’t have a problem. That all just seems very uncharacteristic of Peter Parker since he keeps his secret identity very secret in comics. Happy even gives away Spidey’s identity in the vault when he says he has a thing for Spider-Man’s aunt. When those kids see him with May they are going to know that’s Peter’s aunt. Marvel seems to be replacing Uncle Ben with Tony Stark as well. I get the Uncle Ben thing has been shown and told several times, but it’s still a key part of the character and I want “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.” The kicker was showing the initials on the suitcase and then blowing up the plane later. I don’t need or want Spider-Man to be the next Iron Man, I just want him to be Spider-Man. On to the positive aka MYSTERIO! The Mysterio stuff was great and brought this True Believer back into the movie. The changes made to his character made sense and worked for me. The parts where he had Spider-Man trapped in the illusions were awesome. Those scenes made the movie for me along with JK Simmons back as J Jonah Jameson! I hope Mysterio’s death was an illusion as well and he comes back later. I’m glad the multiverse thing was a lie, it’s too early for all that stuff. The Skrull and Fury post credit thing threw me for a loop and confuses me. Where is Fury and why is he working with Skrulls? When Spider-Man was shown in Civil War I was really excited for him being added to the MCU and before Homecoming I’d put Civil War on just to skip to his part. Since Homecoming and now Far From Home I feel let down. Marvel seems to be trying really hard to be different than previous iterations and the character/story is suffering. These are my initial thoughts though from just the 1 viewing. P.S. Spider-Verse is still my favorite Spider-Man movie Review by @nerdherder88 My ThoughtsI was actually pretty pumped to read this review because my man really nailed it right out of the gates with the whole forced MJ relationship - was quite a wicked awkward start for the movie which did tie the whole younger more teenage spider-man feel to it more than previous spider-man movies. That whole MJ thing going on does grind my gears. Also ... 100% Peter Parker DOES NOT rip that mask off in public ever. That whole aspect of it totally goes against the hero code & we shall see how they react to that Times Square ending announcing to the world that Spidey is Peter Parker. Someone Cue the Men In Black Mind wipe ... or bring on the X-Men for a nice brain cleanse like Emma Frost in the most recent Uncanny Avengers comic wiping memories of mutant kind? If only if only.
Mysterio and the illusions ... straight badass. That got the movie quite a few extra stars in my mind just because of the amazing visual effects and inception like action. All in all ill give it the following rating ... San Diego Comic Con 2019
This year I was way more focused on just taking the whole event in since it was year #2. Made the entire day way less stressful even with the insane amount of human traffic that was everywhere. This year I made sure to swoop a ton of comics and also got to pay a visit to my favorite Comic squad Nuclear Comics at their booth. If you didn't make it over to them then I'm sorry because they always have the best selection and unreal prices. (Swooped my "The Joker" Brian Azzarello for only $15 which I then finished immediately on the train ride home.) Up above you'll see the solo pop I purchased this year and it was the Spider-Carnage AAA Anime exclusive. Couldn't turn that one down especially since it's one I've never been able to get my hands on. As expected the DC and Marvel booths were incredible. Marvel with basically the same setup as 2018 but DC Came out to PLAY! I'd say I was most impressed with how they stepped their booth presentation up this year with the incredible costumes (see Ras al Ghul above) and monster digital screens that draw you in from anywhere within the convention. Totally almost swooped me on their DC Universe deal which came out to only $75 for the year and came with 4 exclusive Variant Comic covers and 4 posters. Still pretty rattled at myself for not pulling the trigger on that one. Besides those two obviously being two of the top booths I'd say Sideshow Collectible also brought some extreme HEAT! Not only did they have their usual incredible figures and statues but one of the workers there was the Man and gave me their new comic they are releasing that is all done in house titled "Court of the Dead - Shadows of the Underworld". I couldn't believe he just handed me this incredible hard cover copy that is fully loaded with creep and amazing artwork throughout it all. If you haven't heard of it for sure give it a look. Below are some snippets of the magic they've created ... and if you want to pull the trigger and add this to the collection you can get it right HERE. As I walked around and time flew by incredibly fast there was one thing that stuck with me after it all. It happened of all places at the Crank Yankers booth when I walked by and a worker stopped me as I was fully loaded with comic books in my hand because my dumb ass didn't bring a bag. A worker stopped to talk with me and said, "Thank You for coming to COMIC CON and buying comics. Barely anybody comes to comic con anymore to truly enjoy comics. Thank You." Some people just aren't willing to give it a try. I know I didn't for quite some time but if you do you won't regret it ... Well, maybe your wallet will. Cheers to all of the comic fam who was able to make it and to all of those who couldn't. Keep reading that magic. Check out the gallery below for some more of the amazing goods as San Diego Comic Con 2019 and check out the Clayton Crain Virgin Variant I picked up along the way. 2020 couldn't come any faster for the next Venom movie to finally come out! CAN'T Wait!
The 2nd edition of the TazAlGhul Collector Spotlight has finally arrived! Huge thanks to Jonathan @nerdherder88 for taking the time to really dive in and give us some great insight on his collection as well as the story behind it all. Like I said in Spotlight #1 one of my main reasons for firing up this blog is to bring the collectors, designers and artists closer together and tell some of their incredible stories. Everyone has a different story to tell and I want to hear them all! Now let's get on with it ... Collector Spotlight #2 here we go! Collector Spotlight #2 |
Thank You!!Huge thanks to Jonathan for doing this and going deep into his story and collecting past. So sweet hearing about how each piece means something different for you and take you back to some amazing memories. I'm also wicked jealous of your office setup thats for sure! haha. Stoked to have connected with another awesome fellow collector and hope to meet many more down the line. For anyone who would like to give him a follow and see his collection on the regular then give @nerdherder88 a follow. If anybody would like to be featured in a collectors spotlight please shoot me an email through the contact form or just simply comment on this blog post and I'll make sure to reach out to you. Would love to see more and more collectors reach out so your collection and journey can be shared with everyone. Click the button below for a quick jump to the contact page. ALSO - Don't Forget! If you'd like to become an AlGhul member to earn discounts on anything in the shot ... YES that includes the collectibles ... just click the "MEMBER" section in the menu above or the button below. Monthly freebees and even cash money! Cheers to all the collectors out there and I hope to hear from many more of you soon. Thanks again Jonathan! |
A Whole Lot of Flashback Action.
That being said I'm stoked they didn't give away too much. Hate when that happens in trailers. Couple sweet tid-bits shown was the rise of the new lady Hawkeye and the fact that Tony Stark will return to the squad and make it back safely from space. My vote is on Captain Marvel saving his ass since she was just buzzing around galaxies at the end of her movie.
What'd you think of the trailer and who do you think will save the legendary Iron-Man? Let me know in the comments or on IG @tazalghul
The TazAlGhul Top 10
Another Top 10'er General Grievous is also available! Check it out below VVV
The Day Has Come For All Funko Collectors!Today Funko officially announced that they will be taking over the Stashpedia app and start the creation of their own "Funko" Collection tracking app. Basically this will be an extremely new and improved version of the Stashpedia app. Funko has stated that the current Funko and Stashpedia apps will be deactivated soon before the release of the new Funko app. Keep your eyes peeled on their social media channels @originalfunko to stay up to date on the release. How do you all feel about this? You think Funko holding control of the collectibles value will create a massive change in the market? Let me know! |
Dead Man Logan #4 of 12
Crazy Twist
Yea ... So that over there for sure happened. Pretty funny the way it all lead to this. Hawkeye was just having a dandy old time chit chatting like a weirdo to his dog brewing up some coffee and in comes Mysterio through the window. If you saw this coming I salute you because I thought for sure he was going to be bringing the heat in future issues and possibly taking down Logan's mind through the process. That's looking like a hard no now though. Hawkeye ends up taking Mysterio over to Logan and the X-Men squad that is with him. Purdy risky I'd say for Mysterio but this ultimately made it clear that he actually does want to help. You could kind of see this coming with the way Crossbones was being a total D-bag to him in the previous issues. Of course it wasn't a shocker when he arrived at the lab Logan wanted to cut him into pieces after he got a sniff of him. Should they trust that this isn't a trap? I have nooooo Idea. I feel like something could still be up his sleeve. Yup .. Logan is Dying .. and FastAfter they run some more tests on Logan it seems he is dying at a more rapid pace due to him using more Reginix. This threw the timeline from 12 months to live all the way down to 6. With only 8 more issues left I'm sure this calls for some crazy shit that's about to go down. Now that Logan is in the same area as Mysterio what is he going to fight for? He has the one piece that made him lose his mind and kill all the X-Men so what does he need to go light up Miss Sinister and the Red Skulls offspring for? Nooooo Clue. What do you think? |
Closing Thoughts
RATING: 7.4 / 10
Overall it was still a great read as are all of the Old Man Logan / Dead Man Logan books but this one just didn't pack as much punch as the previous issues. Most action was when the Mistress absolutely lit up all of the crazy peeps in the psych ward which was pretty awesome and shows how she doesn't give two shits. Long Live Logan. What's your rating? Let me know in the comments or on IG @tazalghul. |
For All the Logan Fans Out There ...
Can't wait to get another glimpse into the MCU and see how the hell she's going to save the day in End Game.
Taz al Ghul
A space for all thing current on Pop Culture, Design, artwork and streetwear. Enjoy!
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