A Whole Lot of Flashback Action.Was super pumped when I saw the trailer dropped out of nowhere but they really didn't give us that much of a sneak peak of what exactly they'll be duking it out with. Of course it's safe to assume it's Thanos and the Black Order again but we all know there's something else going down in this one.
That being said I'm stoked they didn't give away too much. Hate when that happens in trailers. Couple sweet tid-bits shown was the rise of the new lady Hawkeye and the fact that Tony Stark will return to the squad and make it back safely from space. My vote is on Captain Marvel saving his ass since she was just buzzing around galaxies at the end of her movie. What'd you think of the trailer and who do you think will save the legendary Iron-Man? Let me know in the comments or on IG @tazalghul
Dead Man Logan #4 of 12Unlike the previous 4 there actually wasn't a whole lot of carnage in issue #4 but more of a comedic book with a few unexpected twists and turns along the way that I for sure didn't see coming. Some twists that for sure leave me wondering how Logan's timeline will be jumbled up and if it will even lead to the disastrous X-Men Massacre of the past... Crazy Twist
Closing ThoughtsSadly im a wee bit disappointed because I as really looking forward to Logan going ape shit and killing through people like the previous 3 books to get his hands on Mysterio. I'm sure things will still get hectic after the way Mistress was going full savage mode on the peeps in the looney bin. Something could for sure still be in play for Mysterio setting up Dead Man Logan and I'm sure we'll see for sure in the next issue since this one closed out with them flying on over to the Neo-Hydra base ready to attack. Should be a crazy one for #5. RATING: 7.4 / 10
For All the Logan Fans Out There ...Be sure to swoop your Dead Man Logan merch before it's gone! Still a few amazing pieces left and ready to be rocked by YOU!
After Dead Man Logan #1's amazing review it made for a tough act to follow. After a long wait for #2 of 12 to arrive I was pumped to finally be able to crack open the continuation of the Logan / Mysterio story. With a huge cliff hanger ending in #1 where the time machine was rebuilt by Forge and he just ever so casually strolled on into the machine and ended up in the legendary Wastelands, Logan's Home. The lead off of #2 was for sure not a let down with it immediately opening to Spider-Man being chased down by a mob of Hydra Agents ... or shall I say Neo-Hydra. Ew. I thought this was a pretty damn good opening since immediately you're wondering how the hell spider-man is now tossed up in all this. Makes sense with the history with Mysterio but there haven't been any spider-man sightings in Old Man Logan since the early issues. They for sure leave you wondering what the hell is going on because after you flip the page it's spider-man getting lit up to a for sure death ... but then only to find out it was just Mysterio showing off his digs. Great to see him in action since this was what started the end of Wolverine in the beginning of Old Man Logan. This had me pumped for what else was to come in issue #2 ... but was it just a great start that lead to a let down? ...
Let's hope Netflix doesn't crush the Punisher like they did to basically every other Marvel show in the lineup.
Stephen Ward at it again with his magic - this time it's a superb combination of Iron Man & Venom. If you haven't subscribed to him already I would most def do so. Enjoy
Cant wait to finally witness all this animation magic on the big screen! For sure one I'll be purchasing in 4K to catch every little unreal detail that's brought to life Into the Spider-Verse. OW OWWW!
The time has finally come after what felt like the longest wait of all time! The first Avengers trailer since Infinity War ... Check it out. To be honest ... I was wicked sad when I found out that Old Man Logan was coming to an end at issue #50. The storyline was honestly what got me deeper and deeper into the comic world and obviously through the entire Old Man Logan storyline itself which was quite a long one. However, with the way Dead Man Logan has begun I know that I'm going to love the next 12 issues. With the beginning of the story stating that Logan only has 12 more months to live I'm guessing there will only be monthly releases of each issue. Shall for sure be a test of patience thats for sure haha. Before you dive into this post be warned that spoilers are incoming! I'm about to give my thoughts on issue #1 and hope to have you all chime in as well in the comments ... So ... Here we go! ![]() Right away when I opened the page to the same exact place Logan was left at the very end of Old Man Logan #50 I was relieved. You never know when they'll just jump the gun to start a new series and leave out a huge chunk of how the character got there. Blob, Forge and Cicilia luckily came to the rescue and found the old man laying face down in the snow like you see in the image to the left. For those of you that missed the epic battle of Logan V Maestro you HAVE to go snag Old Man Logan #50 and give it a read. For sure a must & then go swoop number 1-49 while you're at it too. I thought for sure with the title being Dead Man Logan this would somehow in turn start off the storyline with some type of Zombie Reginix'd Wolverine that was out of his mind and ready to unleash revenge even worse than before. BUT ... that for sure was not the case. I was stoked to see once Logan finally woke up that he had a flashback all the way to the Wolverine Old Man Logan days of the wasteland and all the terrible times of the past. The artwork on that flashback is also incredible and caught me staring for a good minute or two. My favorite part was the list he had on his for arm labeling (Butcher, Banner, Mystery, Red Skull). If you read the earlier issues you know he's got everyone on that list but one! Yup ... the one who started it all. Good ol' Mysterio. After that is when he's told he has 12 more months before he finally crumbles. Loved how right away classic Logan heads right out and ditches the squad to get right down to business. Don't think there was a much better place for him to go to than The Bar With No Name. Loved how for about 4 spreads he absolutely crushed everyone like his old self on the hunt for Mysterio's whereabouts. Low and behold the brunt of his problems he just left at the bar untouched ... Miss Sinister started the re-peat of Logan's past by finding exactly where Mysterio was lurking ... Or not lurking at all ... Just chilling out in the looney bin withering his days away. I never would have guessed that's where he'd be and apparently neither did Logan. I was pumped when Hawkeye came back into the story for some help since in the early issues Old Man Hawkeye and Logan we're a sweet little tag team. Spider-Man gives them the deets and they roll out to the nuthouse ... I thought it was pretty hilarious that Miss Sinister really had to wheel him hard to finally get him to agree. He actually probably still wouldn't have until she told him Logan was en route to slice n dice. The fact that she actually got him out and filled him in on a future that could now be in this current dimension opens up the storyline all over again to repeat the terrible past of Logan's life and the death of all heroes. I 100% won't be mad if it goes down that road because the whole Red Skull hunt down segment of that past/future of Logan's life was unreal. That alone has me counting down the days to snag #2 of 12.
Still blows my mind that the legendary Stan Lee has left us. After inspiring arguably millions of people he truly left his mark on all of us. Probably even those who don't even realize it. My favorite quote from his little excerpt within the video above is ... a nice remember to always do what you love. " |
Taz al GhulA space for all thing current on Pop Culture, Design, artwork and streetwear. Enjoy! Archives
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